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South Central Power Company



About Us

South Central Power Company is a member-owned electric cooperative serving over 110,000 residential, commercial and industrial customers in 24 Ohio counties. We maintain over 11,000 miles of energized power lines that traverse 24 counties in Ohio. The Cooperative is a private enterprise owned and operated by the people it serves. The members elect an 11-member Board of Trustees that govern the co-op. The Board establishes policies, reviews co-op activities, and makes needed decisions. They hire a President and CEO who in turn hires a staff of employees to carry out the policies and operate and maintain the co-op’s lines and equipment.

Mission: Our cooperative exists to deliver safe, reliable electric service that adds value to the lives of our members.

Vision: The cooperative strives to be a model of operational excellence recognized for quality of service, superior value and being a strong presence in the community.  By 2020, our employees will have zero accidents, our American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) score will be at least 88 and our System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI), excluding extreme storms, will be 180 minutes per customer.